Term and Conditions


Terms and Conditions of https://stories.megastarsbio.com/
Before surfing or using this website, we are requesting you all, please read the Terms and Conditions for the use of https://stories.megastarsbio.com/ very carefully. If you have more questions or have any queries, please feel free to contact us regarding any aspect of the following terms of use of our website via using the Contact us page.

By accessing the content of this website URL: https://stories.megastarsbio.com/ ( hereafter referred to as Website), you must agree to the terms and conditions which are stated here, and also, you must accept our Privacy Policy.

If you don’t agree with any of the terms and conditions and privacy policies, which are reflected here, it’s okay, Then you must not continue this website. You may leave anytime you wish. Because we are not forcing you nor requesting you to visit our site. This site is made completely free for educational and learning purposes and for motivational purposes only.

You must agree that you shouldn’t use this valuable website for any kind of illegal purposes, and you should not misuses any information provided here. Must respect the hard work that we are doing for creating this valuable intellectual property that we have.

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You must agree that you should never this website in such a way that, this website may not be corrupt or damaged, and must not manipulate the content, must not harm of the valuable information provided herein, or reduce the performance and overall functionality of this website.

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The content on the website and the corresponding text, video, images, logos, etc. are the property of https://stories.megastarsbio.com/ ( unless otherwise stated here ).


Although we are working hard day and night to create content completely accurate and working sleepless nights for providing the information that is represented here through our content on our sites and trying to attempt to keep them up to date and fresh as much as possible.

In spite of all those hard efforts discrepancies may be kept in it, in some cases, the information you are reading on this site may be slightly outdated. So please cross-check on your own with any other source or medium if there is any.

https://stories.megastarsbio.com/ has reserved the right to make any kind of changes, additions or modifications, delete, or corrections to the information you may find on the website at any time without prior notice.

Change to the Terms and Conditions of Use

We reserve the right to make any changes and to revise the above-mentioned Terms and Conditions of use at any time that will be the best fit for this website.

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