Here we have created a list of 11 rarest cat breeds. Make sure to read the story till the end for complete information.
This breed cats are very active. They love climbing and jumping. Sokoke Cats are very vocal and are comfortable in the warm climate.
This is a Russian breed cats comes with hairless grey silver skin. These cats require little bit extra care. Due to their hairless skins, these cats look very different.
These rare cats are very polite and always obey its owner's commands. They can be a very good friend of your if you take proper care.
These cats are very playful. They loves to play, run, answer the door, and a lot more.
These cats comes with middle sized and longer hind legs. They can run very fast. They have beautiful black spots on their bodies.
It's a loving breed which is also known as the Pixie Cat. Devon Rex is friendly in nature. It loves to play with the kids.
These cute rare cats are great family pets. They requires weekly brushing. They loves neat and clean places.
American bobtail has short neck, short tail, and tufted ears. This loyal breed is very friendly and playful.
These cats are recognized for their silky coats. They have large ears, and medium size head. Turkish Angora cats are very friendly in nature.
Norwegian Forest Cats are little bigger than the average cats. They have long tails and long legs.
These cats love the company of human. The color of their eyes are yellowish-orange. They got the name Scottish Fold Cats due to their folded ears.