Also Known As Pinoy Farmer's Best Friends. They are about 880 to 1102 pounds.
The males are over 1870 pounds weight and the female's weighs less with the average weight of 1210 pounds. They found in two colors black and red.
It is the largest and tallest in the family of wild bulls. It stands at a height of 3.4 m tall. Male's weighs is around 3300 pounds. They comes in yellowish-brown color.
They comes in red and black color coats. They don't have horns. The average weight of German Angus is 2600 pounds.
These bulls looks so strong. They are found in Pakistan and some parts of India. The average weight of Sibi Bhagnari is 3500 pounds.
This breed is generally found in Gujarat, India. Their average weight is around 1500 pounds.
It's origiated in India before being exported and breded in America. They looks bold, beautiful, and strong.
This is one of the oldest breeds in the world. over 2000 years ago, their ancestors were brought to India by Iran people.
The male's weight is outstanding 2200 pounds on average. The females can produce milk around 1036 to 1250 liters.
They are originated from Andhra Pradesh, India. But now a days, they can be found many countries all over the world. Ongole bulls are generally known for its toughness.
This strongest breed originated from North Queensland, Australia. The average weight a male Droughtmaster is 2200 pounds while a female's weigh is around 1500 pounds.
THey are known for double muscling. They weighs around 2800 pounds.
They are originated in the diswtrict of Kankrej in India. They are known for their long horns.
This American breed is also known as Taurine-Indicine Hybrid Breed. The breed has a solid deep cherry red color.
They can be found in the various parts of Central and East Africa with an average weight of 1600 pounds. The average length of their horns are 1.5 to 2 meters.